Technolo-gee: Adventures in the Online Job Market
By Dave Palmer Modern society is increasingly turning to electronic solutions for nearly everything. Whether it be shopping, banking, or communicating, we hear the same mantra: It’s faster and more convenient. Job hunting has, of course, been relegated almost entirely to the online world as well. The same idea of greater convenience, easier connection to leads, and the ability to more readily build a network of connections calls to job hunters like the siren song of old. Just never mind those jagged rocks you’re heading for. And those jagged rocks in reality is these questions: Whose convenience is the online job market really targeted for? Is it the convenience of…
The realities of life as a teacher: An introduction to a four-part series.
By: Dave Palmer For many people who have not been in a classroom or received formal training in education, it is difficult to imagine a day in the life of a teacher. Many have most likely painted a mental picture of what it might be like based on their experiences in school. However, the reality is very likely far from their fantasy land of an easy job that gives you an average of 16 weeks of vacation every year. The truth is that many teachers’ vacation time is unpaid, teaching has never been an easy job, and the focus politicians take in reforming education is much less progressive than in times…
Occupy Movement Vol. 2 (Society’s Slideshow)
The Occupy Wall Street movement is showing no signs of stopping. It has expanded from Zucotti Park in New York City to Detroit, Los Angles and other major cities. People are gathering to protest the lack of available jobs, stagnating wages, and the overall stranglehold this banks and corporations have on our government. Newt Gingrich has told Occupy participants to “get a job right after you take a bath.” Well, Newt, it’s kind of hard to get a job if you have no personal residence to give as an address or can’t afford a telephone to supply a potential employer with a number at which they can reach you if they decide…
Welcome to the Show! (An Intro to Dave’s Column called Society’s Slideshow)
Welcome to the Show! Society’s Slideshow, that is. A mental photograph of the world converted into the proverbial thousand words. Well, maybe I won’t use that many. A slideshow, whether on a computer or a projector, delivers to its audience a representation of the world as it was seen by the presenter. No one takes photographs of every second of their vacation. Instead what one sees is sort of a still life highlight reel. This highlight reel is subject to the interpretation of its audience. What they see is what they choose to see. Perhaps they’ll notice the guy falling of the dock in the background of that photograph of…