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Welcome to the Show! (An Intro to Dave’s Column called Society’s Slideshow)

Welcome to the Show!

Society’s Slideshow, that is. A mental photograph of the
world converted into the proverbial thousand words. Well, maybe I won’t use
that many.

A slideshow, whether on a computer or a projector, delivers
to its audience a representation of the world as it was seen by the presenter.
No one takes photographs of every second of their vacation. Instead what one
sees is sort of a still life highlight reel.

This highlight reel is subject to the interpretation of its
audience. What they see is what they choose to see. Perhaps they’ll notice the
guy falling of the dock in the background of that photograph of Dad holding up
a fish as big as he is.

Chances are people who fit into the category of “Wow look at
that fish!” most likely outnumber those who say “Did you see that guy falling
off the dock in the background?” That’s just the idea. Sometimes, a larger projected
version of a smaller picture can yield before unseen detail.

This slideshow will highlight things, events, people, and
places projected to a larger version that highlights the detail I notice. Think
of it as a sort of still life highlight reel.

Topics will range from local and national politics to
current events to the local and national music scene. One certainty is that
this slideshow will be somewhat different from the rest.

This slideshow filters through my eyes and out the ends of
my fingers to bring forth the parts of the big picture I notice besides the
biggest piece.  I definitely saw the guy
falling into the lake headfirst with his fishing pole in one hand and his
tackle box in the other. The guy probably tripped looking at the fish and
wondering why it is he can’t catch one that size.

These are the things I think about when I see unusual or
noteworthy things. My views are independent and uninfluenced by political
association or corporate agenda. It may not be pretty, but it’s the truth. If I
wanted to lie for a living, I’d be sitting in Congress. Hey-o!

All jokes aside, Society’s Slideshow will be a highlight
reel of things I find unusual or noteworthy, interesting or exciting, and most
of all worthy of praise or criticism. I hope you enjoy the show!

By day, I am an educator of our future, by night a part-time musician and independent mind. Based in metro-Detroit, I take pictures of society with my cerebral cortex and convert them into a sildeshow of the world the way I see it.

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