Album Review: The Rose Cult “Welcome to the Rose Cult” (Score=100%)
By Alexis Simpson
The Rose Cult band reached out to me to check out some of their new material, and I’m so glad I did! They too, like my current obsession, Jamaican Queens, possess that crazy-cool Detroit vibe that makes me want to head downtown and vibe with the city. I love their sound, and want to help spread the word about what they are doing. Check out my first impressions review of their album Welcome to the Rose Cult. There was absolutely NOTHING to not like about this album. I’m gonna buy it. Check out the streaming album here:
Genre: Psychedelia
Andrew Maslowskly – Lead/Vocals
C.N. Pratt – Rhythm/Vocals
JD Whiting – Percussion
Miles Hubbell-Organ and Keys
1. Mary/Like a Charm-Great instrumentation on intro. I like how he sings “my Cigerettes, my cigerettes, my cigerettes! Love this track, want to hear it live! This is my album fave:) It has a certain charm to it and it’s quite catchy.
2. Shoreline- Surfer track with a little hippie thrown in. I can imagine Peter Doherty singing this song for some reason.
3. About a Convict’s Daughter-Dig the guitar work and instrumentation. Simple but perfect drumming. Vocals are nice-weird, sexy, fun, and trippy style. Love this track too. UGH why did I not know of this band sooner?
4. Cass Corridor-Sounds like uhmm the cass corridor. Instrumental track.
5.Revolution #2-Great intro. More of the drunk sounding, weird sexy & trippy singing. (That’s a compliment) Solid song.
6.Elizabeth-Slow tempo, unrequited love song? A-LIZ-A-BETH!
7.I’m a Surfer Now-Did you know surfers do surf in Michigan’s Great Lakes? Regardless, Do these guys surf? Now, I’m listening to this song to see it’s not really about surfing…Maybe it’s about drugs? I don’t know. Oh well, I dig it anyway.
8.The Daisy Chain-Simple but Solid
9. The Initiation Ritual-Simple but solid