Black Veil Brides @ Royal Oak Music Theatre 11-15-14 (Photos)
By Alexis Simpson
Members: Andy Biersack – Vocals https://twitter.com/AndyBVB https://instagram.com/AndyBVB
Ashley Purdy – Bass https://twitter.com/AshleyPurdy https://instagram.com/AshleyPurdyInc
Jinxx – Guitar https://twitter.com/JinxxBVB https://instagram.com/jinxxed4life
Jake Pitts – Guitar https://twitter.com/JakePittsBVB https://instagram.com/jakepittsbvb
Christian Coma – Drums https://twitter.com/ccbvb http://instagram.com/ceesespieces
Black Veil Brides is one of our fave bands to photograph because of their dramatic look, good looking guitars, and fanatic fans. They played with a whole slew of other bands this weekend at the Royal Oak Music Theatre, but we only had eyes for BVB. They released their fourth studio new album “Black Veil Brides IV” just last month, and are already touring to promote their new music. BVB has been working hard as they tirelessly create new music and tour at a steady pace. The hard work is paying off, because every time they are in town, the venue they play at increases in size. (Their last headlining tour was at The Crofoot in Pontiac). Also as their sound matures, singer Andy Biersack grows more enigmatic and beautiful. If Andy B. and The Pretty Reckless’ Taylor Momsen had babies, look look out rock world:) Black Veil Brides fans are also some of our favorite fans because they devour BVB photos, and always show love to our social media sites. We had fun interracting with their fans last Saturday, and could tell that they were loving every second of the concert. Black Veil Bride’s performance in the yuppie city of Royal Oak, was a much needed cacophony of rock music in a town where basic bitches and douchers roam freely. It’s always nice when bands help to keep the rock in Detroit Rock City. Thanks, BVB and BVB fans for a great night. See ya next time!