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An Interview with Jessica Hernandez of Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas!

By Alexis Simpson

We attended Riot Fest in Chicago last month, and were excited to see that Jessica Hernandez was performing there. We have seen her perform many times in Detroit, once in Orlando, and now Chicago. Jessica is a favorite of mine and one of the few artists I listen to week after week. She’s soulful, bohemian, and has a superb voice. I want everybody to know about her! Her album “Secret Evil” just came out, and she is currently on tour with St. Paul and The Broken Bones. We got the chance to do a quick Q & A with her to catch up. Also, at the end of the session, we have photos from Riot Fest and a few of my favorite photos of Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas from past shows.

Noize-It was great seeing you perform in Chicago at Riot Fest. Tell us about your Riot Fest experience…

Jessica-I’m not gonna lie… I was a little skeptical of how the show was going to turn out when we got there and the weather wasn’t really cooperating. I was totally blown away though at how amazing the crowd was once we started playing. Crummy weather and all people were dancing and having a good time. It was awesome.

Noize-What aspects of your new album “Secret Evil” are you the most proud of? Tell us something “evil” about yourself.

Jessica-I’m proud of all of it. Probably most proud of the fact that it’s out and that I wrote all of the songs. Obviously there were a lot of people that helped shape the album and add so much, but I sat and wrote all these songs and I feel really proud of that, especially given the state of the music world today. I can’t think of anything evil right now. I think I keep most of my evil in my head.

Noize-You are coming back to play at Saint Andrew’s Hall in Detroit on November 1st. Are you doing anything special to prepare for that show?

Jessica-I’m not sure yet. That show is a little different since we’re actually opening for a larger band that we will have been on tour with for a couple weeks at that point. St. Paul and The Broken Bones are great though so maybe we will plan something special for Detroit.

Noize-You recently shot videos for “Cry Cry Cry” and “Sorry I Stole Your Man.” What can you tell us about these videos, and when do we get to see them?

Jessica-Cry Cry Cry is this super simple beautiful one shot video, and Sorry I Stole Your Man is this more elaborate fun crazy Latin party in Detroit. I don’t want to give too much away, ok, but I am excited about both of them and I got to work with an awesome director and Detroit crew and all my friends and family make a cameo in them. They should be out in the next month or two!

Noize-Can’t wait! What is your most interesting tour story?

Jessica-I can’t say any without getting myself or other people in trouble, haha.

Noize-Fair enough! What is it like being the only female in your band?

Jessica-I like it. The dudes in my band are my best friends and they have kind of learned how to be there the way a girl friend would, haha. We all have our quirks that get under each other’s skin but we’re all family now.

Noize-A few times on social media and interviews, you have mentioned that you are dating a lovely young man in The Growlers. How did you meet? How do two traveling musicians make it work?

Jessica-We met at The Bakery Loft when I was still booking shows up there. I booked his band a few years ago and put them up for the night. We really hit it off and became friends then stayed in touch and met up at SXSW that year and started dating. It’s very challenging but super rewarding having this kind of relationship. I guess we make it work because we understand each other’s career and how important and busy they are. We just support one another’s goals and try and enjoy the time we do get to hang out… even if it usually is on a bus or in a van or a smelly motel room, haha.


Members Jessica Hernandez – vocals, guitar, keys, percussion
The Deltas:
Michael Krygier – guitar and vocals
Steve Lehane – bass and vocals
Taylor Pierson – keys, accordion and vocals
John Raleeh – trombone
Stephen Stetson – drums http://www,


Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas @ Riot Fest Chicago


Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas


Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas


Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas




Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

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