6 Instagram Accounts to Follow.
By Alexis Simpson
Instagram is by far my favorite social media outlet. For those of you looking for users worth following, these are my top six recommendations:
Let’s face it, Detroit isn’t just about hipsters, BBQ, and bicycling-it’s also about car jacking, murder, and armed robbery etc. To stay up with the latest happenings in Detroit and the ‘burbs, “crimeinthed” has stories that you won’t hear on the news. This account serves as a reminder that when fuckin’ around taking ruin porn photos, always watch your back, and make sure to get that CCW permit.
Ghostly International artist Shigeto is known for his music, but he is also visually inclined as well. It’s not surprising since he gives off a “too cool for art school” vibe but yet in an approachable way. His Instagram account has a distinct style.
Young phenom Portland photog, is making her way in NYC as one of the youngest photogs ever to snag major contracts with the likes of companies such as Nike, Converse, Hermes, and Fiat. She’s whimsical, precocious, and sensually ethereal.
Suckapants aka Tod Seelie is another one of my fave photogs who works out of NYC. It appears that all the best do the best in New York. His Instagram account is great, but getting to know his real work is unparalleled. He has some insane photos. Research him.
Prettypukefool is crass, crude, and sexual. Yet somehow it still has substance.
You know you’ve made it when you can have whatever hair color you choose. Chloe’s account serves as a reminder that her life is way cooler than mine. I dig her my little pony hair, bright colors, and nomadic travels.