The Loving Dead, Brutally Frank and Koffin Kats @ The Machine Shop 1/20/2012
Flint’s The Machine Shop hosted an exceptional psychobilly-charged show for the Koffin Kats CD Release Throwdown this past Friday, January 20th. The bands made sure that the journey through horrible weather and snow-coated roads was worth coming to see them perform. The Loving Dead Brutally Frank Koffin Kats To clarify a few things about psychobilly: it is basically a sped-up version of rockabilly that blends in certain genres of music like punk, rhythm and blues. Part of what makes it its own music genre is the specific usage of an upright bass, which ensures solid, dark beats. Also, the subject of the songs (girls, gore, death, sci-fi, and socially unacceptable topics) are expressed…