Black Coffee White Knuckles Tour! Voodoo Glow Skulls, Authority Zero, Skyfox and S.N.A.F.U. @ Blind Pig 2/6/12 (Review)
S.N.A.F.U. = https://www.facebook.com/#!/SNAFUPUNKS?sk=info Skyfox = http://www.skyfoxmusic.com/ Authority Zero = http://authorityzero.com/ Voodoo Glow Skulls = http://www.voodooglowskulls.com/ S.N.A.F.U., out of Ypsilanti, was a good opener to liven up a Monday night. They’re a hardcore–thrash-metal band who play powerful beats and melodies that make it sound like the end of the world is near. Their primal energy was infectious and easily got the crowd to jostle about and participate in circle pits. S.N.A.F.U. was on par with one another, playing as a brute force with a strong bass, thrashing guitar, screaming vocals and battering drums. Their set included songs, “Graves” (menacing, heavy tunes) and “W.D.G.A.F.” (fast and dark with plenty of attitude). Towards the end of their…