Album Review: Artificial Agent-Brain Grenade (Score=100% )
By Alexis Simpson We first saw this band perform when opening for Steel Panther. Since then, we’ve spotted Derek enjoying rock shows at venues such as Small’s and Royal Oak Music Theatre. Also, you may have spotted his brother on Instagram with a deluge of photos of his new bride-Congrats! They released their new CD a few months ago, so we wanted to see what it was all about and relay our first impression of the album. Members Derek Jendza Mike Elgert Brad Jendza Karl Crafton https://twitter.com/ArtificialAgen1 https://www.facebook.com/artificialagentdetroit REVIEW 1. Master Blaster: Catchy and simple with great guitar work! 🙂 2. Brain Grenade: Fuzzy sounding, slower tempo song about love gone bad. Strong instrumental intro and…
Artificial Agent and Dark Avenger Photos!
Last month we got the chance to see Artificial Agent and Dark Avenger open for Steel Panther! Here are a few photos from their performances… ARTIFICIAL AGENT Members: Derek Jendza: Vocals Mike Elgert: Guitar Brad Jendza:Brad Karl Crafton: Bass https://twitter.com/ArtificialAgen1 ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT DARK AVENGER Members: Dennis Schwan – Vocals Michael Erdody – Lead and Rhythm Guitars Nick Marocco – Drums Ryan Goldsworthy – Lead and Rhythm Guitars Art Mccauley – Bass and Fart Jokes http://www.reverbnation.com/darkavengerband http://www.twitter.com/darkavengerdet http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkAvengerD… ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT