My Chemical Romance at Voodoo Fest 10/28/11 (Photos & Review)
Gerard Way Mikey Way Ray Toro Frank Iero http://www.mychemicalromance.com http://www.myspace.com/mychemicalromance http://youtube.com/mychemicalromance http://www.mychemicalromance.com/store http://twitter.com/MCRofficial The Voodoo Experience was the last stop on My Chemical Romance’s 2011 US tour. Their hour long set was a dazzling array of their greatest hits. MCR are experts at being able to command a large stage. In fact, the bigger the stage, the harder they rock. In celebration of Voodoo and Halloween, the band wore medieval costumes that worked well with the red, orange, and yellow lighting. Gerard rightfully fished for positive feedback from the crowd by asking, “Did any other band dress up for you other than the same ‘ol rock ‘n roll shit?” Die-hard MCR…
Blink 182 and My Chemical Romance @ DTE 09/09/2011 (Photos and Review)
My Chemical Romance played a strong set Sunday night at DTE, but lead singer, Gerard Way, had his top moment when performing “First Date” with Blink 182 in order to give Tom Delonge some time to rest his voice due to a nasty cold. After the song, it was evident Gerard was thrilled to have gotten a chance to perform with Blink 182. It was great to see. Matt & Kim also got to perform with Blink 182. Well…Matt sang while Kim did some fun hump-dancing and beer drinking. The guys from Blink 182 were not afraid afraid to show their goofball sides by throwing out mischievous sex quips and…